Club Aquatique
Codiac Vikings
Aquatic Club

Viking Sponsor

Athlete Training Program

Training programs are designed for individually for swimmers keeping their age, ability and desires in mind. As these factors change, so does the program. A swimmer’s capacity for training time and competitive expectations increases gradually as he/she develops. This capacity will vary widely in any group of athletes, and predicting the full potential of any swimmer is not possible. The program challenges swimmers to gradually increase training expectations and set realistic goals. This allows for the smoothest progression toward a swimmer's full potential.

Training is provided through four levels. Movement through levels is based primarily on coaching recommendations. Any questions or concerns parents have regarding their swimmers’ training should be directed to their coach as this is the person who is familiar with the athletes’ skills and training. Members of the coaching staff are willing to speak with parents. By using this method of communication confusion and frustration is reduced.

Please  Click Here to send us an email request for more information or to schedule a try out.

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Programme de formation des athlètes

Les programmes d'entraînement sont conçus individuellement pour les nageurs en gardant à l'esprit leur âge, leurs capacités et leurs désirs. À mesure que ces facteurs changent, le programme change aussi. La capacité d'un nageur à s'entraîner et ses attentes en matière de compétition augmentent graduellement au fur et à mesure qu'il se développe. Cette capacité variera grandement dans n'importe quel groupe d'athlètes, et il n'est pas possible de prédire le plein potentiel de tout nageur. Le programme met au défi les nageurs d'augmenter progressivement les attentes en matière de formation et de se fixer des objectifs réalistes. Cela permet la progression graduelle vers le plein potentiel d'un nageur.

La formation est fournie à travers quatre niveaux. Le mouvement à travers les niveaux est basé principalement sur les recommandations d'entraînement. Toutes les questions ou inquiétudes des parents concernant la formation de leurs nageurs devraient être adressées à leur entraîneur car c'est la personne qui est familière avec les compétences et la formation des athlètes. Les membres du personnel d'entraîneurs sont disposés à parler avec les parents. En utilisant cette méthode de communication, la confusion et la frustration sont réduites.

SVP, cliquez ici pour nous envoyer une demande par courriel pour plus d'informations ou pour planifier un essai.

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Training Groups

Ripple 1: 

Our pre/intro competitive group follows the Active Start and FUNdamental stages in Long Term Athlete Development. This group has 2 pool sessions and 1 dryland session (agility, balance, coordination, and mobility) per week.

These athletes will get the introduction to competitive swimming by learning the basics of 3 of 4 competitive strokes (free, back and breast), as well as dolphin kick. They will also learn the intro to dives and turns to prep them for our competitive groups.

There will be mock meets every ~10 weeks for coaches to evaluate stroke progressions and other learned competitive skills, while also giving swimmers an insight to what swim meet formats will look and feel like. Swimmers in Ripple 1 also get a bonus of 2-3 official meets a year, chosen by coaches.

Ripple 2: 

Our intro competitive group follows the Active Start and FUNdamental stages in Long Term Athlete Development. This group has 2 pool sessions and 1 dryland session (agility, balance, coordination, and mobility) per week.

These athletes will learn all 4 competitive strokes (free, back, breast, and fly). They will also learn starts and turns and work on ensuring all their strokes are ‘legal’.

These swimmers will have the opportunity to attend mock meets every ~10 weeks with Ripple 1, as well as Premier level meets across the province, as chosen by coaches.

Swell 1: 

Our competitive group follows FUNdamental and Learn to Train stages in Long Term Athlete Development. This group has 3 pool sessions and 2 dryland sessions (agility, balance, coordination, body weight strength, and mobility) per week.

These athletes will continue learning and working on endurance in all 4 competitive strokes (free, back, breast, fly), as well as their starts, relay takeovers, and all turns. They will also practice pace clock work, interval training, goal setting, and begin to look at time standards.

These swimmers will attend Premier level meets across the province, and some may begin to attend Invitational meets across Atlantic Canada (after attaining appropriate standards), as chosen by coaches.

Swell 2:

Our competitive group follows Learn to Train and Train to Train stages in Long Term Athlete Development. This group has 4 water sessions and 2 dryland sessions (agility, balance, coordination, body weight strength, and mobility) per week.

These athletes will continue to progress through all competitive strokes, distances, starts, and turns. They will continue to work on pace clock work, interval training, endurance, goal setting, and begin to include mental skills for competition.

These swimmers will aim to have 3xB time standards (and above) to attend Invitational meets across Atlantic Canada, as chosen by coaches.

Tidal Wave:

Our senior competitive group follows Train to Train stage in Long Term Athlete Development. This group has 5 water sessions, 3 dryland sessions (agility, balance, coordination, body weight strength, mobility, and weight training), and 1 classroom session per week.

These athletes will continue progressing through interval training, endurance, mental skills, focus on optimum preparation, while also developing athletes’ ability to plan and adapt and focusing on integrating sport/movement into career and life goals.

These swimmers will aim to have 3xB time standards (and above) to attend Invitational meets across Atlantic Canada, as well as A and AA time standards to attend Championship meets. They will also have the opportunity to attend team travel (depending on standards), as chosen by coaches.

Tidal Performance:

Our senior elite group follows Train to Train and Train to Compete stages in Long Term Athlete Development. This group has 7 water sessions, 3 dryland sessions (agility, balance, coordination, body weight strength, mobility, and weight training), and 1 classroom session per week.

These athletes require a Next Gen standard+, as well as a family meeting to be selected to be in Tidal Performance. This level of training has individualized training plans, it is more stroke/event focused with intensive physical conditioning. We promote personal responsibility in their involvement, while also focusing on sport, career, and lifestyle. We also look at advanced technical, tactical, and physical skills, while refining individual race tactics, strengths/weaknesses, and self-monitoring.

These swimmers must have Next Gen, Easterns, and/or Jr/Sr Nats standards where they will attend Provincial, Eastern and National level meets (depending on standards), as chosen by coaches.


This group is for anyone 18-99+. Though it is not a learn-to-swim program, we do follow Active for Life stage in Long Term Athlete Development. This group has 3 water sessions per week.

These athletes will be encouraged to push themselves to try new skills, distances, and maintain a goal of being active for life. This level of training will be motivated and instructed by coaches, but with a group of vast talents and skills will also require athletes to be self-directing at times. We will look at balancing competitive strokes, turns, endurance, and speed to help ensure injury-prevention and a well-rounded athlete.

These swimmers will have the choice, at registration, whether they’d like to register under Masters Category (masters swimming, non-competitive), or Masters Open (masters swimming, option to compete in Swim Canada sanctioned events).



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Athlete Recognition

Annual Awards Presentation:

Each year at the year end party and AGM the coaching staff present awards to swimmers based on their performance throughout the year. These awards are presented at all training levels. In addition, each swimmer receives a certificate of participation for the season.

Competition Awards:

At most meets swimmers receive awards that are either ‘personal best time ribbons’ or awards for top finishes.

Graduating Swimmers:

All swimmers, who have been with the Club for a minimum of five years and are in their high school graduating year, OR a swimmer who is a member of CVAC in their graduating year and have been a competitive swimmer for at least 5 years will receive a gold ring with the CVAC logo and an achievement award.

NEW: Starting on the 2020-21 season, the following policy will apply for the CVAC ring:

  • 5 years or more – CVAC will cover 100% of the cost.
  • Under 5 years – 20% per year will be covered. Option to purchase during a swimmers grad year
  • must graduate and swim in graduating year.


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Reconnaissance des athlètes

Présentation annuelle des prix: Chaque année, lors de la fête de fin d'année et de l'AGA, le personnel d'entraîneurs remet des prix aux nageurs en fonction de leur performance tout au long de l'année. Ces prix sont présentés à tous les niveaux de formation. De plus, chaque nageur reçoit un certificat de participation pour la saison.

Récompenses du concours: Au cours de la plupart des compétitions, les nageurs reçoivent des récompenses qui sont soit des «meilleurs rubans personnels», soit des récompenses pour les meilleurs résultats.

Les nageurs diplômés:

Tous les nageurs qui sont membres du club depuis au moins cinq ans et qui terminent leurs études secondaires, OU les nageurs qui sont membres du CVAC dans leur dernière année d'études et qui sont nageurs compétitifs depuis au moins cinq ans. Les années recevront une bague en or avec le logo CVAC et un prix d'excellence.

NOUVEAU: À partir de la saison 2020-21, la politique suivante s'appliquera pour les bagues de CVAC:

  • 5 years or more – CVAC will cover 100% of the cost.
  • Under 5 years – 20% per year will be covered. Option to purchase during a swimmers grad year
  • must graduate and swim in graduating year.


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